• 2021-12-15

SMELT Workshop: Empowerment Toward Active Participation within the Labour Market

SMELT project

As part of the SMELT project, a workshop was organised aiming to increase participant capacities and knowledge concerning labour rights and to encourage active participation in the labour market.

The workshop was comprised of two modules. The first was held 14 - 16 December 2021 and the second 20 - 22 December 2021.

Center for Democracy Foundation 

SMELT – Skilling Marginalized people to Enter Labour Market 

The project is being implemented in collaboration with 8 partners - Samarcanda società cooperativa sociale Onlus, Italy, Mosha Pijade Vocational Secondary School, Tetovo, Northern Macedonia, Synthesis Center for Research and Education Ltd, Cyprus, Asociación Mar Violeta, Spain, Sdruzhenie Yuni Partners, Bulgaria, European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), France, Ecor International S.p.A., Italy and the Center for Democracy Foundation, Serbia.

The project is financed by the European Union through Erazmus+ program.