2014: Contribution of local self-governments to negotiations on the accession of Serbia to the EU

In 2014, the Centre for Democracy Foundation is implementing the project "Contribution of local self-governments to negotiations on the accession of Serbia to the EU" with the support of the Olof Palme International Centre.

In 2014, the Centre for Democracy Foundation is implementing the project "Contribution of local self-governments to negotiations on the accession of Serbia to the EU" with the support of the Olof Palme International Centre

The project is being implemented in the territory of Vojvodina, Eastern and Central Serbia with the aim of providing competent monitoring of the negotiations process and enhancing participation of the local authorities in the EU accession negotiations, by increasing their capacity to better understand, promote and implement values and reforms in accordance with EU standards by encouraging communication with local stakeholders. 

The objective will be reached by the following: (1) raising the level of awareness of key local policy stakeholders of the accession negotiations process (2) promotion and creation of communication channels between the public and local authorities and (3) promotion of public advocacy on the issue of sustainable local/regional development and integration of Serbia within the EU and local communities. 

Doprinos lokalnih samouprava pretpristupnim pregovorima za članstvo Srbije u EU Project implementation will involve (1) local councillors (2) local self-government representatives (3) citizens (4) local NGOs, (5) small and medium-sized enterprises (6) local media. 

The project’s objectives will be realised through (1) organisation of regional events and meetings on the accession negotiations and its key stakeholders for the most important local actors. Also, (2) we will organise 3 round-table events (in Vojvodina, Eastern and Central Serbia each) on the role of local governments in negotiations on the accession of Serbia to the EU (3) we will organize a national conference on the role of local governments in the process of accession negotiations (4) we will work on putting together local teams for communication with the MPs of the Republic of Serbia and the accession negotiating team and will organise essential training for these activities. 

What we would like to achieve is the following (1) to expand capacities and awareness of key local stakeholders with regard to accession negotiations, (2) to intensify the input of local stakeholders in defining priorities of the local communities in the process of membership negotiations and reforms it entails, and (4) to raise awareness and provide information to the public on the process of accession to the EU.

Fondacija Centar za demokratiju

Olof Palme International Center