• 2015-01-30
  • |  Fruška Gora

Fruška Gora: Training for Policies Advocacy

Objective of the training was to improve organizations’ skills in advocating for proposals of practical policies they developed in the previous project cycle.

Solidar Suisse Office in Belgrade and Belgrade Open School organized a training for practical policies advocacy, held at Fruška Gora, January 28-30, 2015.

Participating at the training, alongside representatives of Center for Democracy Foundation were representatives of unions, Union of Employers of Serbia and other non-governmental organizations. 

Objective of the training was to improve organizations’ skills in advocating for proposals of practical policies they developed in the previous project cycle, which was realized in the period May 1 – November 30, 2014, also financed by Solidar Suisse. 

Fruška gora: Trening za javno zagovaranje praktičnih politika

In the previous project cycle, Center for Democracy has developed proposal for practical policy “Serbia Without Undeclared Work – More Efficient Role of Labor Inspection in Fight Against Undeclared Work” and will continue to advocate for establishment of a unified information system, which can be accessed by Labor Inspectorate, Central Register of Social Protection/Insurance, misdemeanor courts, other inspections, Business Registers Agency and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia; as well as separate website of Labor Inspectorate. 

Center for Democracy Foundation 

Fruška gora: Trening za javno zagovaranje praktičnih politika

Fruška gora: Trening za javno zagovaranje praktičnih politika

Training for Policies Advocacy at Fruška Gora​