• 2023-03-03

The CDF as a member of the Council for Gender Equality and the Council for Monitoring the Implementation of the Strategy of Prevention and Protection Against Discrimination

The CDF was selected for membership in the Council for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Council for Monitoring the Implementation of the Strategy of Prevention and Protection Against Discrimination for the Period 2022-2030.

The Law on Gender Equality provides that the Government establishes a Council for Gender Equality as an advisory body to the Government that includes civil society. CSOs are important actors, the activities of which contribute to achieving and improving gender equality in society.

The adoption of the Strategy of Prevention and Protection Against Discrimination for the Period 2022-2030 envisages providing the Council with the training necessary to monitor the implementation of said Strategy. The aim is to establish mechanisms for continued collaboration among partners identified in said Strategy and accompanying action plans as responsible for the implementation of measures and other activities, as well as national and local-level partners in both the public and civil sectors.

The Council is comprised of the representatives of administrative government bodies relevant to the implementation of the measures envisaged in this Strategy and representatives of civil society which promote and protect the rights of groups exposed to the risk of discrimination.

The procedure to appoint the representatives of CSOs to the Council for Gender Equality and the Council for Monitoring the Implementation of the Strategy of Prevention and Protection Against Discrimination was conducted by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue of the RS. 

Center for Democracy Foundation