• 2023-09-15

International Day of Democracy

The citizens of Serbia need more justice, which can only be provided by functional democratic institutions

The Center for Democracy Foundation, on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy, reminds of the importance of building a democratic and organized society in which the rights and freedoms of all citizens are respected and protected.

In times when democratic values are being put on test, we emphasize the necessity of persistent work on changes in the state and society in order to approach the standards of democracy, human rights and the rule of law as those of the EU developed countries.

The citizens of Serbia need more justice, which can only be provided by functional democratic institutions, meaning essential reforms in the areas of democracy and the rule of law, human rights, strengthening of independent institutions, the fight against corruption, freedom of the media, strengthening of parliamentarism and democratic political culture.

The democratization of society must be an inclusive process that implies the participation of citizens, especially young people, in public dialogue and decision-making that will affect their lives now and in the years to come.

We stand for the sustainable development of society in accordance with European values, in which there is no place for violence and all citizens feel protected and safe, where there is a rule of principles of solidarity and tolerance and understanding of significance of the fight against poverty, gender equality, environmental protection, social inclusion and improvement positions of sensitive social groups.

That is why it is important that we consistently follow the European path that we set out on precisely in order to organize our country according to the model of Western European countries, with a controlled government, an independent judiciary, countries where political tolerance reigns, human rights are respected, the media is free, and the judiciary and state administration unable corruption.

We believe that true reforms and European integration are the best way to ensure that the citizens of Serbia live in a modern, democratic and organized society in which the rights and dignity of all are respected. 

Center for Democracy Foundation