#RYCE - Why should I care? Because I don‘t want...
Regional Youth Compact for Europe
Debata: Predsednik Republike i Ustav Srbije
Centar za demokratiju održao je debatu "Predsednik Republike i Ustav Srbije" u četvrtak, 2. marta 2017. godine u Press centru Udruženja novinara Srbije u Beogradu
Predstavljanje publikacije Analiza efekata primene izmena i dopuna Zakona o radu
Dragoljub Mićunović: Gde postoji monolog, nema demokratije (RTS, 29.05.2015)
Građani za reformu inspekcija – koraci ka unapređenju inspekcijskog sistema (radionica u Knjaževcu)
Predstavljanje rezultata projekta Uloga lokalnih samouprava u procesu pretpristupnih pregovora Srbije i EU
Prezentacija projekta Promocija alternativnih krivičnih sankcija i mera restorativne pravde
PG Mreža - 20 godina rada Fondacije Centar za demokratiju
20 godina Centra za demokratiju - Za demokratsko i solidarno društvo
Dokumentarni film povodom obeležavanja 20 godina rada Fondacije Centar za demokratiju
- New Monitoring Report by the “SDGs for All” Platform: Is the End Goal in Sight?
- NCEU Book of Recommendations 2024 (Summary)
- National reports on collective bargaining in Serbia - CEECAW
- The Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the Western Balkans (WB)
- Unlocking Collective Bargaining Power in Three Sectors: A Call to Action
- Western Balkans Youth in Policy Making Processes
- SDGs for All Platform newsletter (December 2023)
- Analysis: Poverty Reduction Through Sustainable Agriculture in Serbia (with Summary)
- Serbia 2030 - Many challenges, little time: Is Serbia set on its development path?
- NCEU Recommendations 2023
- SDGs for All Platform newsletter (September 2023)
- POLITEIA Regional School for Youth Participation 2023 (leaflet)
- SDGs for All Platform newsletter (June 2023)
- Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe (leaflet)
- Poverty Projections for Older Persons
- The Impact of the Global Crisis on Vulnerable Groups
- Improving the Lives of Marginalised Groups
- The Tool For The Introduction Of The ‘Leave No One Behind’ Principle Into Legislative And Strategic Acts Of The Republic Of Serbia