• autor/i: Milena Vujović, Nataša Nikolić, Bojana Ružić

Decent Work and Shadow Economy

Towards a more efficient fighting against undeclared and shadow economy

In June 2013, Center for Democracy Foundation initiated a project “Towards More Efficient Fight Against Undeclared Work and Shadow Economy”. Project is supported by Solidar Suisse – Office in Belgrade and it is part of the “Decent Work” program.

In our long-term confrontation with problems from the areas of economic and social rights, mostly with workers’ rights and promotion of decent work principles, the issue of shadow economy and undeclared work as one of its most present forms of existence has been many times in the focus of our activities…

Publication “Decent Work and Shadow Economy” represents a comprehensive overview of shadow economy and its influence on decent work, alongside with recommendations that will lead to its reduction…