About Respect for Labor Rights

Examples of labor rights violations

Democratic social values constantly expand the “right” of human rights. Along with civic and political rights, which were prioritized in the development of democracy and establishment of democratic institutions for decades, nowadays the attention is more directed towards other clusters of human rights – rightfully claimed that they enable attaining political and civic rights, from one side, and that they are integral factor and one of the pillars of citizens’ quality of life on the other side. These are economic, social and cultural rights, the right to healthy/quality environment, right to information and other rights. Achieving of these rights enables individual progress, welfare and strengthening of the family as a primary social group.

From its establishment, Center for Democracy Foundation works on spreading the culture and knowledge on human rights. After more than a decade of endeavors on affirmation of political and civic rights, we direct our activities more to the corpus of economic, social and cultural rights, hence contributing to the reinforcement of human and institutional capacities and development of democratic society in Serbia.