Citizens’ and Experts’ Attitudes towards Alternative Sanctions and Restorative Justice Measures
Results of the research on attitudes of citizens and experts towards alternative sanctions and restorative justice.
Center for Democracy Foundation and Victimology Society of Serbia started in June 2014, partner project “Promotion of Alternative Criminal Sanctions and Measures of Restorative Justice”.
By this project we aim to promote wider implementation of alternative sanctions and measures of restorative justice, through encouraging and strengthening civil society organizations to participate in the criminal legislature system reform more actively.
In order to examine the readiness of the society for thorough implementation of alternative sanctions and measures of restorative justice, we researched the attitude of citizens and experts on those topics. Results of this research are presented in this publication, alongside with previous analysis of legislative and institutional framework of Republic of Serbia for implementation of alternative sanctions and restorative justice, as well as earlier researches on this topic.
Project is supported by European Union and is a part of the program “European Instruments for Democracy and Human Rights”.
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